Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The research - first tentative results

I sent off the database for analysis last week and we will not hear anything for several weeks, probably until the conference on 19th November.  However, with my Stone Age, low-tech approach to Excel, I have managed, with some trepidation, to find some preliminary answers. (These will be validated, or not, by the professionals later on!)

In 2009 I wrote a blog about the various findings over the years. (read it here)  As a result of the July 2009 analysis, the eleven most popular statements made by people with evidence of their twin (and who agreed the most strongly to each) were found to be:
  1.  All my life I have felt something is missing
  2.  I fear rejection 
  3. I know I am not realising my true potential 
  4. I feel different from other people 
  5. I have been searching for something all my life but I don’t know what it is
  6. I fear abandonment
  7.  Deep down, I feel alone, even when I am among friends 
  8. I have a problem with expressing anger - either there is too much or too little 
  9. I always feel in some way unsatisfied, but I don’t know why 
  10. All my life I have carried deeply felt emotional pain that persists, despite all my efforts to heal myself. 
  11. There are two sides to my character
The new list is:
1. All my life I have felt something is missing
2. I know I am not realising my true potential
3. I have been searching for something all my life but I don’t know what it is
4. I fear rejection
5. I feel different from other people 
6. I have a problem with expressing anger - either there is too much or too little
7. Deep down, I feel alone, even when I am among friends
I fear abandonment
9. There are two sides to my character
. I always feel in some way unsatisfied, but I don’t know why.
11. All my life I have carried deeply-felt emotional pain that persists, despite all my efforts to heal myself.

Having now more than doubled the number of questionnaires, the new results are almost exactly the same!  The order is a little different, but exactly the same group of 11 remains at the top after 2 years and a further 700 respondents.  I am no statistician, but to me that seems to be very significant. 

Does that tell us that all this work ( to find out what womb twin survivors are saying about themselves, and testing that out to see what is said most often) is beginning to pay off? I do hope so. I am still collecting responses and stories, with a new kind of survey but exactly the same questions.  This result reassures me that there is no need to make any changes.

If you haven't tried it yet, why not have a go today?

This person found it useful:
Since discovering my "womb twin-ness", I have studied the material on your sites, filled out the survey, found my psychological profile detailed and even found my life described in detail in the ebook. Amazing!

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