Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Black Hole (3) death, suicide and murder

There can be such a deep black hole for some womb twin survivors that they begin to think of death as a solution to life's problems:
  • "There is nothing for me here: I would be better off dead."
  • "If I have to do this alone I would rather not do it at all. I would rather die." 
  • "I cannot live without the one I love and I would die if he /she left me." 
  • "I cannot cope with the pain and destruction I see everywhere : I don't want to be in this world any more."
A good example of how death seems to be a solution is  to be found in Scotland, where a mother murdered her young children ( two of them were twins)  and threw herself from the top floor balcony of her flat.  She should have died, which would have made this yet another murder/suicide, but a neighbour caught her and broke her fall. That was August 2010 and she faced trial recently.

This was related to the fact that the Riggi couple had divorced, and that their father was claiming custody.

But what if this woman is a womb twin survivor? What if she was so attached to her children that she would sooner die than have them taken from her, and if they die too,  then her husband could not have them?

Is this a faint echo of the sense of entitlement that so many womb twin survivors feel,  which makes them hold on to possessions, painful relationships and above all endless, angry resentment, until they will do anything rather than let go?

The womb twin hypothesis says this:

Womb twin survivors spend their lives re-enacting the life and death of their womb twin. Nothing is more important than that, even life itself. 

If we could reach people before they become totally eclipsed by their Black Hole, we may be able to save their lives and the lives they destroy.  All it takes is the Womb Twin work:

Once the real pre-birth scene, which is being constantly re-enacted, is made clear, then the re-enactment tends to diminish or cease altogether, greatly to the benefit of the individual.

It is so very simple, and so very hard to believe, even by womb twin survivors themselves.  It is a sad business to hear about the brutal stabbing to death of young children by their seemingly devoted mother, and sadder still to think how easily this tragedy could have been prevented.

For me, this is very difficult knowledge to have: I get attacked and vilified by many people and told to mind my own business, yet I see so clearly how people may be helped by a single question:

"Are  you a womb twin survivor?"

If the answer is yes (or even seems possibly to be yes)  then the womb twin work can begin.

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