Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A new WombTwin blog!

I was awake  a long time last night planning the future.  Here are some of the ideas...

I will publish my new book at the beginning of 2011. That will mark the official end of the Womb Twin research project. 

The questionnaire will then change to something more diagnostic rather than purely for research, when I have got 1000. Thats just 250 more and they are coming in at the rate 10 per week. See here....

I am beginning to get more bookings for talks, conferences, workshops and wombtwin mentoring sessions, so a change of direction is in the wind.....

I will take this blog down in early 2011 after the publication of the book, and replace it with something much more amazing!

I have created a new blog for the WombTwin company, which will keep you up to date with developments and the latest discoveries in the word of womb twin survivors.  It's here.

I will probably be posting more there than here, so do become a subscriber, or you will miss out!  And there is always the womb twin survivors web site, where its all happening and will continue to so for a long while yet!

Thanks for walking with me, great things are afoot, so I hope you will stay alongside to watch it all happen, and have your say as we go!

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