Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Monday, October 04, 2010

The conference is over, but what a result!

Well, we managed it, after a real struggle to get  enough people. In the end we went forward with a group of 11, and we had to adapt things to their needs, but the open space format helped, because we were able to negotiate two presentations and two workshops, which seemed to satisfy everyone.  The group was a bit too small to  split, everyone thought, so we did everything as a single group. The rain fell relentlesly and occasionally there was a glimpse of sun, we  mixed and mingled talked and drank a great deal of tea and coffee in the corridor outside, and browsed the literature table and shop.

The presentations were, first, about a study of womb twin survivors carried out in Hungary  - yes, Viktoria Sas came all the way from Hungary to be there! - that compared a group of 14 people ( out of a total of 114) who had found their womb twin in a family constellation group with the others who had not, using a questionnaire similar to mine but with some different statements. The same proportion appeared: 1 in 8 of the group were womb twu survivors. Also the commonest effect was "searching for something but not knowing what it is". Also a need to control and perfectionism were found also to be significant effects.

{As Viktoria is skilled at statistics,she  has offered to help me with analysing the questionnaire results when I have 1000. I also have another English Victoria who is skilled at statistical analysis and has offered her services free. Two new volunteers!}

Then secondly Alfred Ramoda Austermann from Berlin explained some of the healing techniques he  had developed to help people with trauma and in particular the trauma of losing a twin before birth. His particular skill is family constellation.

After  a substantial lunch in the dining hall with many other people who had come  to the centre  for meetings that day ( there were about 8 other groups doing other things, a busy day for the centre!) It  was time to tackle the thorny issue of sexuality, then another tea break. and we were exploring the general topic of twinship.

On Sunday we  made a ritual enactment of the healing path, using all kind of props, such white  black and silver cloth,pink ballons, stones, scarves, boxes and even horse chestnuts!  As each person walked their healing path , we all watched in wonder as the props became a Black hole, the essence of Spirit, Alpha energy, trouble, memories and different gender energy.  Beautiful!

Finally  after the Annual genetral meeting of, we sat round and planned the next event. Ill describe that on the blog.

In  all, the  wonderful, special energy in the group that is typical of womb twin survivors, I have discovered, and three new volunteers to help with the organisation.

A  good result. I am glad we didn't cancel!


  1. The whole weekend was awe inspiring. Uplifting and extremely informative. Such wonderful people all working together towards a common goal. I could write a book on it!

    P.S. Who is the third volunteer? ;)

    Peace, love and eternal light,
    To ALL Womb Twin Survivors,
    Wherever they may be,
    Always and forever,

  2. There were two mentioned here who will help my project with the statistics and another two who will help develop the company, ltd. (- including your good self, naturally..!!)
