Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The questionnaires are coming in - nearly there!

How about this? That dotted line means I will have got 500 questionnaires. [This is what it looks like online if you haven't seen it yet]  The trouble is that only half of the people who respond are able to provide evidence of their twin, and that has always been a consistent result, throughout six versions of the questionnaire over 8 years.  Either there is none, and that is quite common, because the "vanishing twin" syndrome can happen silently, and then only the ultrasound scan images can tell the story.  Not everyone has scans, especially older people - the oldest so far is over 70. So out of that 500 I have about 266 with  evidence. When  I have 1000 I will have 500 or so with evidence and that is a much more reliable group to analyse. It's interesting how the slope of that line is so consistent - I get an average of 10-12 a week, so another 10 weeks will do it and I will be able to begin the analysis.

I have been doing some more analysis of the 266 with evidence to make the Powerpoint presentation for the APPAH conference Nov 12th in USA.   I have discovered that most womb twin survivors are the sole survivors of a monozygotic (identical) twin pair. That's interesting, because I thought I didn't have enough identical womb twin survivors in the study -  in fact, I have more than the others!

The other interesting new discovery is how many respondents to the questionnaire are multiple womb twin survivors (triplets or more.) They have been evident from the start of this research in 2003, but I didn't know how many there were until I started to count them yesterday!  ( More later, once I have a nice picture to show you...)


  1. It's based on a link to a graphing site. Its there on my computer, sorry, check out this link for the same image.
