At your fifth annual conference in November this year, we have a keynote speaker, Dr Roger Neighbour, who was writing about womb twin survivors many years ago.
Dr Roger Neighbour, OBE
from King’s College, Cambridge, and St Thomas’ Hospital. After
vocational training in Watford, he became a principal in general
practice in Abbot’s Langley, Hertfordshire, from 1974 to 2003. He was a
trainer and course organiser with the Watford Vocational Training Scheme
for many years, an MRCGP examiner for 20 years, and Convenor of the
RCGP’s Panel of Examiners from 1997 to 2002.
In 2003 Dr Neighbour was elected
President of the Royal College of General Practitioners for a three-year
term, and in 2011 was awarded the OBE for services to medical
Author of The Inner Consultation (1987, 2nd ed. 2005) and The Inner Apprentice (1992, 2nd ed. 2005). A collection of his medico-philosophical writings (I’m Too Hot Now)
was published in 2005. Now retired from clinical practice, Roger
enjoys writing and plays the violin to semi-professional standard.
Intra-uterine events are not remembered in specific visual images or words. But – if to remember means to be affected by the past – they are remembered nevertheless. They are perpetuated in the form of personality traits, as determinants of prevailing moods and attitudes; they are remembered in dreams, in behaviour patterns under stress, in aspirations and vulnerabilities. People are shaped – not exclusively, not inevitably, but nevertheless in some fundamental ways are shaped – by the things that happen to them before they are born.
At the conference he will explain how he came to the astonishing conclusion that Franz Scubert was a womb twin survivor. The way he made this discovery is unique in my experience, and the story will be worth hearing, I am sure!
Book your place at the conference now! (Only a small deposit required at this stage...)
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