Lots of mention of womb twin survivors [Le seul survivant d'une grossesse gémellaire] in this book!
Technique for the sensory identification of unconscious fears
Within the context of a research protocol about unconscious fears, out of 278 suffering from phobias, depression, inhibition, irritability and anxiety, only 2% did not reach full healing of their emotional handicap. For 79% of the participants, healing was achieved after one single session. Of the remaining 19%, only very exceptionally were more than two sessions required to achieve the same result.
These figures may appear outrageous because of the phenomenal outcome, yet they are the result of this study, which was carried out in complete transparency by the association and is presented in this book.
Nevertheless, far more than a new therapeutic approach, Luc Nicon reveals to us a true revolution in the way we perceive the emotional functioning of humans. Through this study, the events experienced in the pre-natal period turn out to be decisive for the origin of our fears, of our emotional suffering, and more generally, in the construction of our personality.Here is one extract from his book:
"La Jumelle perdu"Far from wanting to re-write the entire first book Understanding One's Emotions, it seems vital to remember the guidelines to explain how the results, which will be referred to and explained in detail further on, were obtained.
This process is called "Tipi" for Technique for the Identification of Unconscious Fears (Technique d'Identification des Peurs Inconscientes). It considers fears to be at the heart of emotional distress, knowing that these fears most strongly condition the reflexes of defense: escape, inhibition, aggressiveness, and, more unexpectedly, seizure of power1. Furthermore, for these fears to exist, one must admit that at first an unpleasant event has been experienced. It is this first experience which must be found in order to deactivate the behaviors it produces. Without absolute certainty about the biological mechanism, the results obtained on a great number of people show that, once a situation which is at the origin of the fears is remembered and relived, the fears are dismantled, provided this "relived" experience is a real emotional, sensory reality, not an intellectual projection. In other words, it is through its physical, not intellectual, feeling that the origin of the fears must be sought. And it is often where the difficulty lies, as we are so used to thinking rather than feeling. Yet, this is the only way one can go back to track the most ancient of fears, which in most cases are decisive. In a very simple way, it is possible to reconnect to the multiple events experienced during birth and even in the mother's womb.
A number of therapeutic practices have already to some extent engaged in this direction. Indeed, it seems that the success of Tipi results from the combination of four key principles.Fear
Fear is defined as an emotion felt in the presence or the perspective of some danger. In its primary forms, fear shows itself in two types of manifestations: passive fear, characterized by the phenomenon of inhibition, paralysis; and active fear, marked by verbal or motor panic. The reactions linked to a potential danger can have different influences and aspects: apprehension, stress, fear, worry, anxiety, anguish. They all relate to a feeling of powerlessness towards the dangers of a world perceived as threatening. The term "danger" must be understood in the strong sense of the word, namely as a confrontation with death. This confrontation can be direct (physical death) or indirect (material or relational losses which can diminish the chances of survival).
In this process, this notion of confrontation with death is decisive. Through the manifestation of fear, the aim is to find the danger that generated it. In cases of serious pathologies and all phobias, as we will show further on, this search leads you to the prenatal period or birth and it always is a direct confrontation with one's own death, which is identified as the cause of the distress. Be it a lack of oxygen, or an insufficient nourishment, poisoning or an outside element creating distress or physical sensations which are extremely difficult to overcome, it is indeed at this very elementary stage of survival that fears appear resulting in extremely tenacious emotional sufferings.
Of course, the initial "danger" responsible for this fear can be linked to the traumatic event that most therapists are looking for, but this search generally has a psychological connotation, which leads to an essentially relational perspective of the event. For example, if a fetus has coexisted with a twin that did not survive, the traumatism, if identified, will essentially be analyzed within the relational implications (feeling of distress, solitude or abandonment, overly close relationships with the circle of friends and family, failure to have lasting relationships, or, on the contrary, failure to cope with break-ups, etc.) For example, if you approach the event in terms of the manifestations of fear, it can lead you to relive the loss of consciousness caused by the extremely strong procedure of suction that accompanies the evacuation of the twin fetus. If you approach the repellant sensations caused by the situation, it is the physical risk undergone by the person that is being highlighted, while analyzing it from a psychological point of view, it is the affective relationship of the person with his or her environment that is being emphasized. From a physical point of view, the disappearance of the twin seems like a violent event threatening the physical survival of the remaining one. From a psychological point of view, this disappearance is mainly considered as an affective absence which is very difficult to overcome. In fact, it seems evident that it is the physical sensations felt during such an unpleasant event which induces these undesirable psychological repercussions. Subsequently, when the introspection stops at the psychological impact, it does not reach the heart of the physical suffering which remains active in the sensory memory. Certainly, we are evidently more at ease within a psychological approach; but if we talk about healing, focusing on the physical feeling seems to lead to a much more advantageous result.
Mr Nicon - if you are reading this, just put "WOMB TWIN " into your search engine and you will find many thousands of womb twin survivors, not to mention lots and lots of background research!
Anyone read this book? What do you think of this technique?
The Technique is simple to use, highly effective, and performs as shown in his book. Since the writing of the book above, the technique has become even more precise; Luc also has written another book since then as well. I am a practitioner and have performed this process with many clients. Feel free to contact me if you're interested or have any questions: www.infinite-self.com