Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Monday, July 08, 2013

August will be stories month!

There will be a daily story throughout August - I have been given permission by a large number of womb twin survivors to publish their story.  Many thanks to everyone who has contributed their story via the questionnaire, for it is from this group that the chosen stories will be published every day in August. All the stories will be anonymous.

The stories that I have been told over the last 10 years have enabled me to create and psychological profile of womb twin survivors that is the basis of the womb twin books.

The statements made in the stories, expressing feelings attitudes and beliefs, have been gathered together to create the questionnaire and the stories that people have contributed have enabled me to hone the list of statements into a characteristic response to being a womb twin survivor.

We now have a list of the physical signs and indications that a twin conception resulted in a single birth, so  I can know exactly which people have proof of their twin. It has taken a long tie but at last I have over 1000 complete questionnaires from people who have proof that their twin once existed.

A number of stories are also being sent to me via the form on the stories page of the web site. In a few months time these will be made into an iBook, so that people with iPads or other apple devices will be able to read them. Otherwise, there is the paperback book of stories A Silent Cry. And of course there are the hundreds of short extracts find stories, used as illustrations throughout Womb Twin Survivors and A Healing Path.

So stories are crucial to the success of this project. If you have not yet offered your story for publication and it seems like a good thing to do, then here is a form for you to do so.

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