Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Monday, December 01, 2014

Who I am and why I am here.

Hello, I am Charlotte the new blogger for Womb Twin Survivors;
Recently I have discovered this company and the work it does for people who are womb twin survivors and the help they can potentially get from this charitable company. As a young student myself, I can understand and connect with the pressures that these people have to face throughout their everyday lives. I became very interested in what a womb twin survivor is and how I could potentially help and contribute my skills towards the progress in the charity. I came across this company when searching the web and exploring what I could do to further develop my skills, this includes both with the work I wish to pursue and the charity work I wish to continue to develop aspects of social skills.

As a media student I am very interested in publicity of new companies and promoting a company through advertising and use of social media. This is where my skills come in; I will be posting on this blog every week or two with information on what a womb twin survivor is, advice you or friends and family could get and where to go if more information is needed.

I think I could be a good asset towards the company because of the connections I can have with the people we help. I make a lot of my work; including my photography and film work, very personal to me. Somewhat linking to themes of depression and anxiety. Therefore, I can connect with the people we help and can be a kind of helping hand to anyone that could potentially need advice. I will always do my best to portray the work of womb twin survivor and any queries that come my way.
Furthermore, Become a member and support our organisation on both Facebook and Twitter for any more information you may need about me or the company!


  1. Welcome Charlotte, how exciting to have your talent on board!
    Let's work toward getting a womb twin film made and entered at Cannes!
    Let's work on lots of things!!
    Onward in 2015...thank you

  2. I have a questions, I am an identical twin whos twin passed 11 days after our birth. I just started researching twinless twins... For many reasons, but as I read womb twin survivors... I have SO MuCH in common with this group, from feelings of "something's missing" emptiness, to almost all the mental and emotional issues and along with reading this info figured out I 100% have BPD... Totally and have been misdiagnosed my WHOLE life... My question is; bc of my sister passing away 11 days after birth am I considered a womb twin survior also??

    1. Hi Kimmie. There certainly is an overlap here. If you feel comfortable calling yourself a womb twin survivor, then there is no reason why you can't. In any case, the psychological effects still apply.
