Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A zombie for a womb twin?

What if your womb twin was alive, but yet not alive? What if he or she never developed a brain or a heart?

What would you do to keep your twin alive in your life?

The answer is that despite the fact that you have an excellent brain you would not use it to the full, and despite the fact that you are a warm and loving person you would act heartlessly towards others. You would be cold, unreachable, unresponsive and kind of spiritually dead, while at the same time being very much alive and full of creativity and vitality.

Its like being held perpetually at the interface between your own Alpha energy, and your womb twin's Beta energy, one alive, the other dead.  This is the space that zombies occupy.

Yet there is a rational, intelligent and loving reason why you would work so hard at not being the complete you, at deliberately creating a self-defeating life for yourself.  This is how you keep your brainless womb twin alive in your own life and you can remain together with them, every hour of every day.  Its love and loyalty.

But maybe there is a way out of this..........

This little poem may describe it:


You are my inner voice, with me always: a command to do what I do not wish
Yet my wish is to be faithful always,'til the end of life.
I attend to your tiny voice while others shout and rage
I hear nothing but your imperatives on how to be myself
In obedience to your command I live out my life in compliance and silent hate.

How I resent your voice! You rule my life and bind me with ties of obligation!
How dearly I desire to rage and rebel against those commands that constrict and
drag me down!
Yet I cannot be free, for I am bound forever to You, my silent presence, 
holding me back.

Then through a screen of willow leaves I saw the river of life:-
Two boats were skimming on the silver stream; one fast, one slow.
I was in the fast boat, my energy raging, but You were stranded in the shallows.
I felt the pull of obligation, and I knew that I must slow down, go back.
As usual I turned by back on the exhilaration of the race
and came into the shallows with you.
(Wearily, for it was a great burden to stand and watch the silver stream rush by..... )

But then you thanked me and you smiled at me
you told me to go, get on with my life.
You told me that lfe in the shallows was all the life you would ever know.
You told me to take up my life and drink deep of every moment.

With a loving smile and a farewell kiss,
you set me free.

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