Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I have been working with names. By the way, I spend a lot of time with wombtwin survivors, trying to find the best ways to help. One thing has become clear, that wombtwin survivors do spend a lot of time trying to work out what is wrong and will visit various therapists and medical practitioners seeking out some kind of explanation for how they feel. Furthermore, the wombtwin work fits well with Cognitive Behavioural therapy, counselling and kinesiology, so there's no need to stop one's therapy in order to do the work.

Anyway, the names:

I have found that to do the wombtwin work effectively we must find three names to describe three personalities, facets, faces, characters or whatever you want to call them.

Let's say that we have a wombtwin survivor called Amanda. Now the fullness of the personality is in the fullness of one's given name, so let's say that Amanda is the authentic, healed and whole self. However, it's hard for Amanda to consistently be Amanda, because she is a wombtwin survivor. There are times when she feels weak, lost, helpless, terrified and even despairing. Then she, as it were, "becomes her own wombtwin." Let's create a diminutive of her name for this little version of herself, and call her "Mandy."

So we have two faces, the Strong Survivor face and the Lost Wombtwin face. That makes sense, because wombtwin survivors do closely identify themselves with their lost wombtwin and think of their wombtwin as a weaker part of their own personality rather than as a tiny, separate person.

But there is another face, another personality. This person is Superperson, who is very, very sure of their capacity to survive. They are the ruler of their own little world and in it they have things to do or leave undone; structures to preserve or render chaotic; principles to uphold or deliberately flout. This person is full of energy and drive, to the extent of exhaustion, for the sheer amount of drive is the source of self sabotage, driven by an unexplained inner rage. For Amanda, this facet, face or alternative personality is A.

Without A, little Mandy cannot be whole and become Amanda. There must be a counterbalance to stay alive and keep the show on the road.

The work is to recognise these three ways of being within oneself and then think of who or what each one may represent. Once this is understood and the mood swings begin, one can work out who's talking and come out of the "little wombtwin" space into the present moment.

The only voice worth listening to is Amanda. Mandy and A are long gone: they are part of the Dream of the Womb, and it's time to wake up.

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