Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Friday, November 09, 2007

Obesity is a careless choice made by wombtwin survivors?

Diet is a personal choice. People who are allergic to certain foods, if they are sensible, will live their whole lives without eating them at all in order to remain healthy. Food allergy and intolerance symptoms such as fluid retention are therefore a matter of choice because the choice is there not to eat these foods. Obesity is also a personal choice because it is a consequence of a diet that is not sensible. People who don't think about the consequences of their diet get fat or suffer some other kind of malnutrition. Obese people who are poor eat more than they can afford, but they don't care about the expense, they just eat. They could save money with a smaller food intake. In every income bracket there are obese people who just eat and eat without thinking. You can go on and on about healthy eating but the obese wont listen - for some reason, deep down, they need to be fat. They are addicted to food. I think it's about death - or at least not wanting to be alive and not caring if they die young.

I think that the morbidly obese are wombtwin survivors. It goes this way:

In the womb they shared food unequally with their twin because the two placentas were in some way not equally placed for each to get to get the maximum benefit, and one twin faded away, dying slowly of malnutrition.

As they re-enact their Dream of the Womb in born life, the morbidly obese share their food unequally and with great shame (ie they are greedy and often eat in secret) and very gradually they die of malnutrition, even while they are eating loads and loads of food.

This is slow suicide:- self-harming dietary choices, made by people who do not care if they live or die.

Now there's a wombtwin survivor for you! If you don't really want to be here and you would prefer to be dead, along with your twin, then why not create a lifestyle that makes sure you die young, just like your twin?

If you are reading this and you are obese, do contact me. I have some ideas that will give you back your life and a renewed desire to live it to the full.

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