Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Thursday, March 05, 2009

unborn - the book and the film

Well, the film has reached the UK. I havent seen it yet and I'm not sure I will. I am very, very sad that the story of the preborn loss of a twin is given such a treatment. Mind you, its not so surprising that the director made such a travesty of the whole " vanishing twin" issue. There is no information out there, after all. This is why I will start, in a week or so, to write the story of this project.

I will begin with the whole issue of twinning and how it works, then the whole prebirth experience and how it impacts on the born child. Then we will consider the many and various ways in which a twin may "vanish". Of course twins dont vanish, they die and they die in all kinds of ways. and that wil be just the start: there will be the science behind the story, the results of the questionnaire that I have put on the website and which by the time the book is published will have reached 350 completed questionnaires, so that is a good number to analyse.

I hope for 120,000 words and 1000 references by the end of the year: that ought to do it.

All we need then is a publisher -- any offers?


  1. Hello!

    I have also heard about that movie and I had a more positive reaction. At least this subject is in a movie! Many people will see it and maybe will be activated. Maybe the script-wirter is him/herself a lonesome twin. I wanna go and watch that movie, because I can see how it touches me and through that see, what spots are still in my mind to work with.

    Yes, it is a horror-movie and will be exaggerated, but still... I think it's good.

    Greetings Ricky

  2. Well, okay, I've changed my mind after I've read a little bit more about this movie. It seems to be very bad. :-(
    I thought it is good to make this topic more puplic, but... well, I don't think THAT is a good way.

