Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Sunday, August 08, 2010

A beautiful farewell to a womb twin

When the womb twin work is done and you get to that stage on the Healing Path ( for more more  about that see our ebook)  it will be time to say goodbye to your twin. Not to lose him or her for all time, but to honour and memorialise the twin you once had but is now gone.

I received this email today from a womb twin survivor in the USA. ( I think this may end up on the blog too.)

Yesterday I said goodbye to my fraternal boy twin.  It was a most amazing spiritual and significant experience--words can't quite do it!   Accompanied by my friend Monica, I had THE MOST incredible farewell ceremony for Carl!  I had decided three days earlier that I needed to say goodbye. We were done, it was over, and I was ready to move forward, and rapidly.  The night before, I still had no idea how I wanted to say goodbye, but knew there was nothing tangible about him so there was nothing to tear, bury, burn, caress, hold.  In the morning we bought lots of very healthy food for my house, to nourish myself, and one nice loaf of bread for Carl ("Old World Bread with Caraway (care-away!) Seeds").  We drove to a beautiful white, sandy beach in Connecticut on Long Island Sound, in perfect weather--sun, a nice breeze, clean white sand and wonderful beachy air.  After hours of relaxing, sunbathing and dipping into the water, we decided it was the right time to say goodbye. As I was singing a song I chose in preparation for letting him go, two birds approached our blanket and sat in the sand, waiting.  There was no time to finish that perfect song.  They were not going to leave--NOW was the time!  I jumped up, went to the edge of the water, and started throwing bits of bread.  All the birds in the area heard about the free food and descended, eating happily as I was saying goodbye to Carl, running and dancing along the shore, laughing, throwing the bread, and watching all the LIFE that came to me as I was saying goodbye!  I was nourishing living animals and giving Carl back to nature.  Saying goodbye to one feeble dead being brought huge, happy, appreciative life to me, and even if it was for a short time (until the bread was gone), it was so symbolic of being a magnet for much more life ahead, by letting go of one little life that was keeping me back.
PS  Some of the birds lingered with us, sitting and resting on the sand with full tummies!
I have heard about or been personally present at  dozens of farewell rituals now and the love, sadness and creativity of every unique event never ceases to amaze and delight me.

The price of awakening from the Dream of the Womb is to finally face the reality of your original separation from your twin. You have been clinging for dear life to those dear shreds of memory, but in letting go of your twin you will not lose any of your precious memories or your sense of connection to your twin.   Letting go is not in fact a moment of real separation but a way to access the memory of a separation event that happened long ago.  You stand to lose nothing by letting go, for your twin is already lost. Rather, you have much to gain. 

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