Important post

Tributes to Althea Hayton

Althea Hayton, founder of Womb Twin, passed away peacefully on August 13 (sorry for the delay in posting this news on the blog). We are all ...

Thursday, August 05, 2010

A new day, a new fable

I came across this fable and tidied it up a bit for you to read here.  ( I been writing fables for  12 years or so, they seem to help express some of this womb twin work - read more here)

Womb Twin

All I ever knew was darkness until The Day. On that day there was a flash of new light in my perpetual darkness. It was only a flash but very clear. It showed me what darkness meant - the absence of light.  I did not understand my own darkness until I saw this light. The light showed me that my cave was empty - that I was completely alone.   All that remained was the knowledge that a way forward did exist, if only the light had stayed with me. Paralysed, I stood in the emptiness of the cave and tried to remember what it was that had so briefly shone in my life. There was a great feeling of insufficiency because the little light had been snuffed out, it was not strong enough to stay. With just one little light, so much would be possible! The journey would be easier, the way clear.....

Now I am always in the light, but I keep my eyes closed to remember the darkness and the little light that was so quickly snuffed out. I open my eyes sometimes, for just a little moment, but quickly close them again for I know that in the darkness of long ago is the answer, if I can just work it out….

But one day I recognised that Someone was there in the darkness. There was a touch, a feeling of turbulence around me. The Someone tried to lead me forward but I was afraid because I didn't know where I was going and I pulled back, saying I would rather stay and wait for my little light to come back.  I stood and waited and hoped, but after a long, long time I sank into despair, no longer believing in the light.

The touch came often, and each time I had a memory of my wonderful flash of light.  I yearned for it and wondered why in my life I am always being given little flashes of light that are soon snuffed out? I became angry that this should happen to me and that I should be left here in darkness.  Without a guide I could not see; without some sense of the path ahead, how could I move on?

But now, in this silent, waiting stillness comes a knowledge as deep as Time.  It surfaces in my heart like a healing balm. I realise now that, even in the darkness of long ago, I was accompanied, held and loved. In my familiar dark place I may now rest, knowing that all is well.  I will soon fall into a sleep of great rest.  After I have rested I know I will be able to open my eyes to see a new day.

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