In the very beginning there was Someone with me who was there but not there, like an invisible friend. The Someone seemed to make a big hole inside me and I didn’t understand. I felt very sad.

When I came into the world I wanted Mummy to be my Someone, but she was too squashy and big. I thought my Daddy could be my Someone but he was too spiky and noisy. Then I chose Teddy to be my Someone and he let me cuddle him all day, which was fine. The hole inside me got a little bit smaller when Teddy was there, but it still wasn’t filled up.
But Teddy didn’t talk to me, so I looked in the mirror and there was another me, and the other Me could be my Someone.
When I got bigger I asked my friend to be my Someone. It was good! We I could talk to my friend and we could play together, but the hole inside me was still there. I knew there was a Someone, but it was an invisible Someone.
So I took my invisible Someone in the car with me. Daddy made a special place next to me where my
Then one day I suddenly knew that my Someone's name was Koko.
I took Koko to the park with me and we went on the swings. Koko swung the highest. Koko was with me in my bed every night when I was sleeping, so I wasn’t alone. Koko came to school with me in my pocket but the teachers never knew. Koko was my very special secret Someone and when I thought about it the hole inside got smaller.
It was good to have as my secret friend. When I played I was never alone. When I was in the bath I was never alone. When I was in bed and it was dark I wasn’t afraid because Koko was with me.
Then I got really busy with lots of things to do and I often forgot about Koko, so I made myself a little Koko friend to put in my pocket to remind me. My Koko was made out of all kinds of things - love and memories.
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